Content: Level, Depth and Scope of Presentation
  • Need to present background and important precedence for material in presentation
  • Provide context. Why is the paper (or topic) important?
  • Consider the audience and adjust the discussion appropriately

Organization and Clarity of Presentation
  • Tell a story
  • The presentation should be presented out in a logical and coherent manner
  • What do you want to teach the class? Stay on message!

Visual Aids
  • Quality of the slides
  • ChemDraw Settings (digital resolution issues) – link, link, link, and link
  • Use color appropriately (note that colors often appear different on your screen and the projector)
  • Appropriate references--follow ACS format:
All authors should be listed and correct journal abbreviations should be used.
Nelson, S. G.; Bungard, C. J.; Wang, K. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2003125, 13000.

Knowledge of Subject Material
  • Common mistake: regurgitation of author’s viewpoint
  • Show that you have evaluated the primary data
  • Show a command of the subject matter including limitations
  • Read and present important background papers to subject on the slide

Integration of Chemical Principles
  • Mechanisms of important steps in synthesis or method – apply models appropriately
  • Build explanations on basic, fundamental principles of Organic Chemistry
  • Relate to kinetic or thermodynamic principles

Ability to Handle Audience Questions

Critical Analysis
  • Common mistake: Only comparing yield/step count without analyzing strategy
  • Comparison to previous work
  • Do not regurgitate author’s viewpoint
  • What is your opinion? Back it up with facts
  • Is the work important? Why? or Why not?

For some scoring rubrics that are helpful in differentiating an average talk from an excellent talk, see: