
FREE TUTORING! In addition to the SLC, the follwing centers offer free tutoring for students. A map of all the learning centers can be found here

Honors College tutoring schedule (available to all students)

The Writing Center

African American Academic Network (AAAN) Learning Resource Center (tutoring available to all students)

A complete lisiting of learning ceters at UIC can be found here.

Student organiztions:

UIC Alchemy Society This is the website of the UIC chemistry club.

Minority Association of Pre-Health Students

Here are some links to other pages that you may find interesting or useful.
Links for improving study habits:

The Academic Center for Excellence has great tips for study strategies, coping with test anxiety, and other topics. Check out this link on how to set up a study group.

The Center for Academic Success at LSU also has great tools.

Science Links:

Tutorial videos!These videos are great for reviewing basic concepts in chemistry, biology, and physics.

Chemistry, Biology and Physics Simuations Great videos to see science in action!

Also try Minute Physics for lighter explanations.