Publications by Year: 2014

Highlighted titles link to abstracts
Most recent articles are on-line;

DOI links will take you to the paper on the journal website

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Numbers match publication list
R-review article or chapter
C-published required conference proceedings paper



277. ”Equilibrium and Dynamic Spectroscopic Studies of the Interaction of Monomeric β-Lactoglobulin with Lipid Vesicles at Low pH” , Ge Zhang, Timothy A. Keiderling, Biochemistry 53, 3079–3087 (2014)


278. “Arrangement of Fibril Side Chains Studied by Molecular Dynamics and Simulated Infrared and Vibrational Circular Dichroism Spectra” Jiří Kessler, Timothy A. Keiderling and Petr Bouř, Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 118, 6937-6945 (2014)


279. “Effect of hydrophobic interactions on the folding mechanism of -hairpins”, Alexander Popp, Ling Wu, Timothy A. Keiderling, and Karin Hauser, Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 118, 14234–14242 (2014)