Publications by Year: 2004

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R-review article or chapter
C-published required conference proceedings paper




214. "Structure, spectra and the effects of twisting of b-sheet peptides.  A density functional theory study." Petr Bour and Timothy A. Keiderling, THEOCHEM (Journal of Molecular Structure), 675, 95-105 (2004)


216.  “Optical Spectroscopic Differentiation of Various Equilibrium Denatured States of Horse Cytochrome-c”, Qi Xu and Timothy A. Keiderling Biospectroscopy(Biopolymers) 73, 716-726 (2004)


218. "The Nature of Vibrational Coupling in Helical Peptides: An Isotope Labeling Study” by R. Huang, J. Kubelka, W. Barber-Armstrong, R. A. G. D Silva, S. M. Decatur, and T. A. Keiderling, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 126, 2346-2354  (2004)


219. "The Complete Chirospectroscopic Signature of the Peptide 310 Helix in Aqueous Solution" Claudio Toniolo, Fernando Formaggio, Sabrina Tognon, Quirinus B. Broxterman, Bernard Kaptein, Rong Huang, Vladimir Setnicka, Timothy A. Keiderling, Iain H. McColl, Lutz Hecht, Laurence D. Barron, Biopolymers 75, 32-45 (2004)


220. "Effect of sodium dodecyl sulfate on folding and unfolding of acid denatured cytochrome  c. A spectroscopic approach" Qi Xu, T. A. Keiderling, Protein Science 13, 2949-2959, (2004).


221. "Induced axial chirality in the biphenyl core for the Ca-tetrasubstituted a-amino acid residue Bip and subsequent propagation of chirality in (Bip)n/Val oligopeptides"  J.-P. Mazaleyrat, K. Wright, A. Gaucher, N. Toulemonde, M. Wakselman, S. Oancea, C. Peggion, F. Formaggio, V. Setnicka, T. A. Keiderling, C. Toniolo, Journal of the American Chemical Society 126; 12874-12879 (2004).




C217.a,a-dialkylated b-hairpin peptides. Design, synthesis and conformational analysis”, C, L. Thomas; M, A Etienne; J. Wang; V. Setnicka; T. A. Keiderling; R. P.Hammer., Peptide Revolution: Genomics Proteomics, and Therapeutics. M. Chorev, T. K Sawyer, Ed., Proceedings of the 18th American Peptide Society Meeting, (2003, San Diego) Kluwer Academic Publishers, (2004) pp 381-382.