Lecture2A--Model QM Problems with Exact Solutions — (1-D)

(Ch 2.2-Levine, 3-3 Atkins, Ch. 2-R&S)

1. Free Particle -- If there is no potential then Schroedinger Equation becomes

T Y(x) = E Y(x) ==> -(h2/2m) d2/dx2 Y(x) = E Y(x)

for this section: let underline "h" be "h-bar": h = h/2p

easiest solution to this has exponential form: (d/dx)ex = ex

but this has only one eigen value 1 and can’t well cope with eigen value

could use Y = e-kx then k =(2mE/h2)1/2 but would get wrong sign

so need e-ikx recall: e+ikx = cos kx + i sin kx

These solutions are plane waves INSERT GRAPH

starting point is due to phase (balance between sin & cos–arbitrary)

but don’t measure Y just |Y*Y| –thus phase not significant (normally)

This describes motion of a free particle

no potential –> no force (F = -dV/dx)) — continuous motion

[Note these are eigen functions of momentum pY± = (-ih) d/dx[e±ikx] = ±hkY±]

What is it doing?

e±ikx --> motion to the pos x --> <p> = +kh

e-ikx --> motion to the pos x --> <p> = -kh

2 solution: Y± both solve the problem. These have different eigen values of momentum but different of energy depend on preparation–initial state

cos kx also an eigen function TY = Tcos(kx) = -k(-h2/2m)cos (kx) = EY

but p cos(kx) = -k(-ih)sin(kx) not eigen function

so real component, cos(kx), of e±ikx has energy but ill defined momentum

— real wave function–represents motion left (-) and right (+)

--complex wave function–well defined linear momentum (-) or (+)

Note if energy is not well defined — then k varies - means wavelength varies

get wave packet -- super position of these with constructive interference -- if enough waves interfere see particle with some position, finite Dx

Time evolution:

Y (x,t) = Ae-ikx e-Et/h = Aei[kx + (k2h/2m)t]

evaluate at different times - point of constructive interference changes — phase shift

*try it with graphing calculator or program

2. Particle in a box with infinite sides–restrict motion - contain with V(x)

V = 0 à 0 < x < L

V = à all else (x < 0, x > L)


Region I, III HY = EY --> -(h2/2m)(d2/dx2)Y = (E - )Y

so particle of finite energy has no amplitude in this region Y (x)=0 (outside box)

special result due to V(x) = outside (impenetrable) only need consider Region II

hence locally V = 0 — just as above for free particle Ae-ikx

but V(x) provides restrictions on motion (in box) so that leads to quantized behavior

B.C. — boundary conditions, choose : Y = A cos kx + B sin kx

At wall Y(0) = Y(L) = 0 — must be a continuous, finite function

Y(0) = A sin kx (cos x 0 at 0 = x)

Y(L) = 0 ==> k = (np/L) where n = 1,2,3. . .integer, (n = 0 not allowed)

Energy is quantized by the B.C. (work it out)

k = (2mE/h2)1/2 = np/L ===> En = n2p2h2/L22m

Note: still need Aeif, amplitude and phase--

Normalize: ÚYn*Yndx = 1 ==> A = (2/L)1/2 ===> Yn (x) = (2/L)1/2 sin (npx/L)

Important to see what happens as modify B.C.

— as box enlarges Y toward free particle, i.e. the energy levels become continuous

— smaller box more energy goes as ~1/L2 — note box constrains motion more,

Y has more curvature, second derivative is curvature, |T| inc. with curvature

— energy level separation expand with n2 -- property of steep sides

What are they? H-atom--example

more useful for smaller masses--eg. electron

If spectral transition: hn = DE = En - En' - change between levels

But–lower mass–electron~*2000 increase Energy over atom

---lower size--1Å (atomic) ~*100 inc Energy over 10Å (molecular)

conversely--> bigger box, heavier particle --> near continuous E --> classical corresp

Where is particle? -- Ú0L Y*Ydx = 1 ==> it's in the box

Also do region probability, eg. Ú0L/2 Y*Ydx = 1/2 ==> equal distribute by halves

But distribution is peaked (sin2) and this changes with different excited states

Alternate related Problems--Mess around with your box

2.a.. Translate: Box shift to run from -L/2 to L/2


Clearly energies must be the same but B.C. change so form of solution changes

Y1 (x) = (2/L)1/2 cos (2px/L) --> sym

Y2 (x) = (2/L)1/2 sin (4px/L) --> asym

Y3(x) = (2/L)1/2 cos (6px/L) --> sym

Y4 (x) = (2/L)1/2 sin (8px/L) --> asym

Phase shift, but states now have parity

2.b. Tie the ends together–particle on a ring: -- Looks like 2-D -- But really 1-D

because particle can’t move off the ring so only variable is q, R is fixed

need transform coordinates: x = R cos f and y = R sin f

d2/dx2 + d2/dy2 = d2/dR2 + (1/R)d/dR + (1/R2)d2/df2

-h2/2m(d2/dx2 + d2/dy2)Y = EY new variables: Y(R,f) = KRF(f)

since R constant only the d2/df2 term remains , KR of the w/f is constant

-h2/2m(d2/df2)F(f) = EF(f) ===> F(f) = A e ibf

B.C. — correct F(0) = F(2p), ==> F(f) = (1/÷2p) e imf

2.c. Particle in 3-D box (Levine 3.5) if we go up to 3-D for one particle:

HY(xyz) = EY(xyz)

Now this is the same our simplest problem if we can do one coordinate at a time:

V=0 for 0<x<a, 0<y<b, 0<z<c and V= ƒ outside the box (rectangular)


Outside the box, it’s the same deal: Y(xyz)=0

Inside must solve

HY = -h2/2m(d2/dx2 + d2/dy2 + d2/dz2)Y = -(h2/2m)2 Y(xyz) = EY (xyz)

Problem needs simplification-- Since 2 = (d2/dx2 + d2/dy2 + d2/dz2)

This is additive, no cross terms - can separate variables as for time dep. S.E.

-2mE/h2 = (1/Y(xyz))2 Y(xyz) -- Choose Y(xyz)= X(x)Y(y)Z(z):

-2mE/h2 = (1/X(x)) d2/dx2 X(x) + (1/Y(y)) d2/dy2 Y(y) + (1/Z(z)) d2/dz2 Z(z)

Each of these is independent set (1/X(x)) d2/dx2 X(x) = Kx, etc.

Then -2mE/h2 = Kx + Ky + Kz

Each one is simple 1-D particle in a box solution

X(x) = A sin (Kxx) = A sin (nxpx/a) , Enx = nx2p2h2/a22m

Put it together: En = (nx2/ a2 + ny2/ b2 + nz2/ c2)p2h2/2m

Ynxnynz (xyz) = (8/abc)1/2 sin(nxpx/a) sin(nypy/b) sin(nzpz/c)

These basically act independently but create a higher density of energy levels because we can excite modes (states) in 3 different coordinates

with proper (improper?) selection of a, b, c there could be states accidentally degenerate–e.g. let b = 2a, then E411 = E271

But it is more interesting to have symmetry, e.g. a=b=c now

En = (nx2 + ny2 + nz2)p2h2/2m a2 = (nx2 + ny2 + nz2)E1 , where E1 is part. box sol'n

Not important which coordinate is excited, just how many Quanta put in

E111 = 3E1 and E211 = E121 = E112 = 6E1 and E121 = E221 = E212 = 9E1 etc. Degenerate


2.d. Particle in a finite-well, what happens when V=0 0<x<L, but V=V outside


Expect the same form but need modify to account for

a) continuity at 0 = x, L = x but Y(0) ‚ 0 since V is finite, thus expect penetration as discussed based on curvature

b) also expect En to converge to continuous states as get higher E, higher n