The goal of the AVANCE Beginner's Guide is to enable a relatively inexperienced user to carry out a series of basic 1-D High Resolution (HR) NMR experiments. Cholesterylacetate was chosen as an example. Both proton observe and carbon observe (with and without proton decoupling) are described. To assist the user standard parameter sets delivered with every XWIN-NMR/TopSpin software packages will be used. However, rather than simply reading in standard parameter sets, a genuine effort has been made to help the user understand the relevance of the various parameters. In particular, this manual concentrates on describing the acquisition procedure, to some extent, at the expense of processing the acquired data. This emphasis minimizes the time spent on the actual spectrometer itself, particularly in the case where relatively large numbers of undergraduate students are being trained. In this scenario processing can be easily carried out on a separate workstation using the tutorials delivered with the spectrometer documentation.

While every effort has been made to genuinely provide a step-by-step description, new users will invariably have some questions, and as such will require occasional assistance from a more experienced user. The goal of this manual is, where practicable, to enable users to work independently and acquire a basic understanding of how to operate the system. It is hoped that the time taken to train new users will be significantly reduced with the use of this manual.

The manual is currently available in the following languages for TopSpin users:

(Version 006)

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