History of Chem web sites I like.  Lee Marek 6/1/03

Alchemy web site & virtual Lib
Biographies of Chemists THE BIG LIST
Chemical Heritage Foundation
Chemists' Art Gallery
Classic Historical Physics Exp in CHEM
dan thomas
classic chem
European Chem Socs.
100 European chemist
History of Science Society
History of Chemistry Division
Internat'l Society for the Philosophy of Chemistry
philosophical foundations of the chemical sciences and related areas
Michael Faraday
The Chemical History of a Candle
Fritz Haber
Nobel Prize for Chemistry
offical Nobel chemistry site
Online Bibliography History & Philosophy of Chem
Peter Ramberg
list syllabi for history of chem courses
Royal Society of Chemistry History Group
Rutherford's Experiment
Thall web site
Great Gas laws, quantum history and more
The Alchemists Lair
Harry E. Pence
The Alchemy Key
alchemy and modern patents
The MacTutor History of Math & Science archive
extensive bios math sci history math and curves 
the Radium Girls-history of Radium
The Society for the History of Alchemy and Chemist
This week in chemistry- what happened in history
ACS site
Thomson's Experiment History
explanation of Thomson's experiment and clips of Thomson
U of I old chem books
Woodrow Wilson web
Woodrow Wilson web
My home page at UIC    UIC Home Page
The Alchymist in Search of the Philosophers' Stone discovers

Joseph Wright of Derby (1734-97)The Alchymist in Search of the Philosophers' Stone discovers Phosphorus, 1771.

For extra credit can you ID the above chemist?  Wade has $20 for you if you are the first!


Maintained by: Chris Weilemann

Lee Marek